martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Mitologia Griega

The first generation of Titans, sons of Uranus and Gea, consists of:
-Ocean, the river that surrounded the world.
-Ceo, titan of intelligence.
-Kid, god of herds and flocks, the husband of Titan (daughter of Ponto) and the father of Shovels.
-Hypericum, fire astral.
-Jápeto, husband of oceánide Clímene and father of Prometheus, ancestor of the human race.
-Cronos, the youngest, that unseated to Uranus and was king of the gods.

-Phoebe, the crown of gold.
-Mnemósine, the personification of the memory and mother of the Muses with Zeus.
-Rea, queen of the gods with Chrono.
-Temis, incarnation of divine order, laws and customs, and mother of the Hours and the Youth with Zeus.
-Tethyan, goddess of the sea.
-Tea, goddess of the hearing.

Some authors also considered part of this generation to Dione, while others consider a oceánide.

The marriage between brothers was flow in Greek mythology, and several Titans and Titánides joined, engendering a second generation of Titans:

-Ocean and Tethyan engendered nymphs Oceánides, rivers (Oceánidas) and springs.

-Hypericum and Tea to Helios (sun), Selene (moon) and Eos (the aurora).

-Ceo and Phoebe to two daughters, Lete and Imperial.

-Chrono and Rea formed the couple more important, as were the kings of the gods, and had six children:
*Hestia, goddess of the home.
*Hera, goddess of the fidelity and the marriage, queen of Olympus.
*Hades, the god of the underworld.
*Demeter, goddess of agriculture.
*Poseidon, the god of the oceans.
*Zeus, supreme god, king of all the gods of Olympus.

By extension, also known by the name of Titans to some of the descendants of the first generation: Imperial, daughter of Ceo and Phoebe.
-Astrea, goddess of justice, redecessor of said.
-Astreo, father of winds and the wandering stars.
-Atlas, punished to sustain on their shoulders with the pillars that maintained the land separated from the heavens.
-Eos, the aurora.
-Eósforo, the star of the morning and afternoon (Venus).
-Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus, parents of humanity.
-Helios, the sun. Leto, mother of Apollo and Sagebrush.
-Menecio, son of Jápeto and Asia.
-Shovels, god of wisdom.
-Perses, son of Child and Titan.
-Prometheus, friend of the deadly stole the fire from the gods.
-Selene, goddess of the moon.
-Titan, brother of Helios and god (perhaps) of the annual calendar.

Other members of the second generation tend not to be called Titans:
-Caanto, Brother of Melia.
-Dione and Metis, usually considered oceánides.
-The Oceánidas or gods-river.
-The Oceánides, nymphs marine.
-Pico, king of Lazio.
-Chiron, the centaur.

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