miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010


Aphrodite (in ancient Greek φροδίτη) is, in Greek mythology, the goddess of love, lust, beauty, prostitution and reproduction. Although it is often referred to it in modern culture as 'the goddess of love", is important to note that Normally was not the love in the christian sense or romantic, but specifically Eros (attraction physical or sexual). Its equivalent romana is the goddess Venus.

In Greek mythology and roman Apolo (in ancient Greek πόλλων Apóllōn or πέλλων Apéllōn) is one of the most important and multifaceted olympic gods. The ideal of kurós (young baby), Apolo has been recognized as various god of light and the sun; the truth and the prophecy; the tire With arco; medicine and healing; the music, poetry and the arts; and more. Apolo is the son of Zeus and Leto and twin brother of the virgin hunter Sagebrush. It is known as Apulu in mythology etruscan, influenced by the Greek. Apolo was worshipped in the former greek religion and in la romana, as well as in the neohelenismo modern.

In Greek mythology, Ares (in ancient Greek ρης Arês or ρεως Areôs, military conflict ) is considered the god of olympic The war, although it is rather the personification of the brute force and violence, as well as the tumult, confusion and horrors of the battles,[] as opposed to his sister Atenea, which represents the meditation and wisdom in the affairs of the war and protects men and their rooms of their havoc. The romans identified you with Mars, roman god of war and agriculture (which had inherited from the etruscans), but it enjoyed between them much larger estimated.

In Greek mythology, Artemis or Artemis (in ancient Greek Αρτεμις, perhaps of αρτεμης, safe and sound , of the root αρ, fit ) is the daughter of Zeus and Leto and sister twins of Apollo. Used to be represented as a virgin goddess of hunting, taking a bow and arrows. Later moved to be associated with the moon, as his brother Apolo was with the sun. It was one of the deities more widely venerated and one of the oldest.[] In times Subsequent was mixed with the goddess Diana of the roman mythology. In the etruscan mythology, took the form of Artume.

In Greek mythology, Atenea or Atena (in attic θηνᾶ Athênã or ionian θήνη Athếnê; in doric σάνα Asána) is the goddess of wisdom, the strategy and just war. Was seen as a mentor of heroes and adored since Antiquity as patron of Athens, where it was built the Parthenon for adoring the Eucharist. He was associated with the Etruscans with its goddess Menrva, and then by the romans with Minerva.

In the classic mythology, Dioniso (in ancient Gree Diônysos or Dionysos) is the god of the wine, inspirator of the ritual madness and the ecstasy, and an important personage of the Greek mythology. Though the geographical origins of his worship are not known, almost all the tragedies present him as "foreigner".

In the Greek mythology Hades (in ancient Greek Hads, originally Haids or Aïds, of uncertain origin, though it(he,she) is in the habit of associating with  (exclusive) + ("to 'see"), that is to say, ' the one that he, does not see ' or ' the invisible one ') alludes both to the former Greek inframundo and to the god of the dead men. The word was referring originally only to the god; or (' in [the place of] Hades ') was an abbreviation for his mansion and finally the nominative one managed to designate also the mansion of the dead men.

In the Greek mythology, Hefesto (in Gree Hêphaistos, probably of phainô, "to 'shine") is the god of the fire and the forge, as well as of the blacksmiths, the craftsmen, the sculptors, the metals and the metallurgy. he was adored in all the industrial and manufacturing centers of Greece, specially in Athens. His equivalent one brought near in the Roman mythology was Vulcano.

In the Olympian(Olympic) pantheon of the Greek classic mythology, Hera (in ancient Greek - attic - Hêra, in ionic and Homeric Greek Hêrê) was the wife and major sister of Zeus. His(her,your) principal function was to preside as goddess of the births and the marriage.her equivalent one in the Roman mythology was Juno. Hera, want to give a good example to the gods and mortal, chose the cow as one of her emblems, because they are the most maternal animals. Not queriendo to be a sight as simple as the cow, also she chose the royal turkey and the lion.

In the Greek mythology Hermes (in ancient Greek ) he is the Olympian(Olympic) god of the borders and the travelers who cross them, of the shepherds and the herds of cows, of the speakers and the ingenuity, of the writers and poets, of the athletics, of the weight and measures, of the inventions and the trade in general, of the trickery of the thieves and the liars. The Homeric anthem invokes Hermes like " of multiforme ingenuity (polytropos), of crafty thoughts, thief, rustler of oxen, chief of the dreams, night spy, guardian of the doors, who very prompt should do ostentation of glorious exploits before the immortal gods."

In the Greek mythology, Hestia (in ancient Greek Hestía) is the goddess of the home, or more appropriatly, of the fire that gives heat and life to the homes. Her worship was alike the escita Tabiti, and her equivalent Roman would be the goddess Vesta, though the Roman worship to this one was deferring enough of that of the Greeks.

In the Greek mythology, Poseidon or Posidón (in ancient Greek) he was the god of the sea and, as " Agitator of the Earth ", of the earthquakes. The name of the marine Etruscan god Nethuns was adopted in Latin for Neptune (Neptunus) in the Roman mythology, being analogous both to Poseidon. The slats in linear B show that Poseidon was venerated in Pilos and Tebas in the Mycenaean Greece of ends of the Age of the Bronze, but he was integrated to the Olympian pantheon as brother of Zeus and Hades. Poseidon had many children and was a protector of many Hellene cities, though he lost the contest for Athens against Atenea. A Homeric anthem was dedicated.

In the Greek mythology Zeus (in ancient Greek: nominative Zeús, ' divine king ', genitive case Diós) is the king, governing of the Olympian gods of the mount Olympus and god of the sky and the thunder. His attributes include the beam, the eagle, the bull and the oak. Besides his Indo-European heredity, the classic Zeus " recollector of clouds " also obtained certain iconographic features of cultures of the former Middle East, as the sceptre. Zeus was frequently represented by the Greek artists in two pose: of foot, advancing with a beam raised in his right hand, and sat majestically.

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